Russia threatens to ban rice imports from Pakistan due to quality concerns

Published on: May 1, 2024.

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Russia Warns Pakistan of Ban on Rice Imports

In a recent development, Russia has issued a warning to Pakistan regarding the ban of rice imports if phytosanitary concerns are not addressed in future consignments. The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (FSVPS) of Russia notified Pakistan of violations of international and Russian phytosanitary requirements in a shipment of rice. The notification specifically highlighted the presence of Megaselia scalaris (Loew), a quarantine organism, in the shipment.

It has been reported that the FSVPS has requested an immediate investigation into the matter by the plenipotentiary and trade representative at the Pakistani embassy in Russia. This warning comes after a previous ban on rice imports from Pakistan imposed by Russia in 2019, which lasted for around two years. The ban was only lifted after extensive negotiations between officials from both countries. It is worth noting that Russia had also halted rice imports from Pakistan back in 2006 due to non-compliance with food safety standards.

While Pakistan has been striving to improve its relations with Russia, experts suggest that there may be more underlying factors behind Moscow’s warning. Russia has been closely observing Pakistan’s efforts to strengthen ties with the West, including the recent letter from US President Joe Biden to the Pakistan Prime Minister expressing interest in renewing the partnership between the two countries.

In addition, Russia is also keeping a watchful eye on Pakistan’s involvement in spreading extremist ideology to Central Asia. The frequent ammunition supply from Pakistan to Ukraine has also caused discomfort for the Russian establishment.

This warning from Russia serves as a reminder for Pakistan to prioritize phytosanitary requirements and ensure compliance with international standards in the shipment of rice exports. It is crucial for Pakistan’s rice exporters to address these concerns promptly to avoid any further restrictions on their trade with Russia.

Source: [Economic Times](