Russia Raises Concerns over Food Safety, Issues Warning to Pakistan about Potential Rice Import Ban

Published on: April 30, 2024.

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Russia Threatens to Restrict Rice Imports from Pakistan Over Phytosanitary Concerns

Russia has issued a warning to Pakistan regarding the violation of phytosanitary regulations in a shipment of rice imported from Pakistan. The warning comes after a quarantine organism was found in the rice consignment. The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (FSVPS) in Russia has notified the Pakistani embassy about the violation.

Importance of Phytosanitary Regulations

Phytosanitary regulations are crucial to safeguard the safety of agricultural products between nations. The Russian authorities have urged all Pakistani rice exporters to comply with these regulations. Failure to do so may result in a restriction on rice imports from Pakistan.

Potential Ban on Rice Exports

The Russian authority has warned the Pakistani embassy in Moscow about the possibility of a ban on rice exports if further complaints regarding phytosanitary concerns are received. The embassy has shared the warning letter with the Department of Plant Protection (DPP) in the Ministry of Food Security and other relevant government offices.

Past Bans on Rice Import from Pakistan

Russia has previously imposed bans on rice import from Pakistan. In 2019, the ban was enacted due to health and safety concerns, and a similar ban was imposed in December 2006 for noncompliance with food safety regulations.

Advice for Rice Exporters

Chela Ram Kewlani, the chairman of the Pakistan Rice Exporters Association, advises rice exporters to exercise caution when selecting and packing rice for export. He highlights that Pakistan benefited from India’s prohibition on shipments of non-Basmati rice last year, as India accounts for a significant portion of the world’s rice trade.

Potential Increase in Rice Exports

The Rice Export Corporation predicts a significant increase in rice exports from Pakistan. Non-Basmati rice shipments are expected to increase by 36% to reach 4.25 million tonnes, while Basmati rice exports are projected to increase by 60% to over a million tonnes. In the fiscal year 2023–2024, Pakistan aims to export over five million metric tonnes of rice, a substantial increase compared to the previous year’s 3.7 million metric tonnes.
