Russia Warns Pakistan of Possible Rice Import Ban Over Safety Issues

Published on: April 30, 2024.

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Russia Raises Safety Concerns, Warns Pakistan of Potential Rice Import Ban

Islamabad – Russia has issued a caution to Pakistan regarding potential bans on rice imports if phytosanitary concerns are not addressed in future shipments, according to a report by Dawn. The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (FSVPS) of the Russian Federation has notified Pakistani authorities of violations of international and Russian phytosanitary requirements in a recent shipment of rice imported from Pakistan. The notification, numbered FS-SA-3/6592 and dated April 2, 2024, highlights the presence of a quarantine organism, “Megaselia scalaris (Loew),” in the consignment.

The FSVPS has requested an immediate investigation into the matter and has urged Pakistani authorities to prevent such violations in the future while emphasizing the importance of adhering to phytosanitary standards. The Pakistani embassy in Moscow has forwarded the notification to the Department of Plant Protection (DPP) in the Ministry of Food Security and other relevant government offices, seeking a prompt investigation to avoid a potential ban on rice exports.

This is not the first time Russia has imposed bans on rice imports from Pakistan. A similar ban was in place from 2019 for about two years and was only lifted after negotiations between officials from both countries. In December 2006, Russia also halted rice imports from Pakistan due to non-compliance with food safety standards.

Ensuring the safety of agricultural products traded between countries is crucial, and it is imperative for Pakistan to address and rectify these concerns promptly to maintain its rice exports to Russia.


